Published May 16, 2023

Cindy Moon, AKA Silk, Goes Noir

We spoke to writer Emily Kim about the genre adventures waiting ahead for Cindy Moon in her all-new ‘Silk’ series out in comic shops now.

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Cindy Moon—hardboiled Los Angeles detective? If that doesn’t sound quite right, you should pick up SILK (2023) #1—available in print and digital comic shops now—wherein creators Emily Kim, Ig Guara, Ian Herring and Ariana Maher provide some answers as to how the venerable spider-hero Silk ended up in an unfamiliar setting.

Preview page from SILK (2023) #1 with art by Ig Guara and Ian Herring.
Preview page from SILK (2023) #1 with art by Ig Guara and Ian Herring.

We sat down with Kim to discuss her second SILK series, her personal ties to Cindy Moon, what lies ahead in this ongoing run, and much, much more.

Emily, this is your second series writing Cindy Moon. What did you learn the first time around and how will you apply it here?

EMILY KIM: In the first series, I learned Cindy’s voice and how she responds to situations. Now that I’m familiar with all that, I can find ways to test her status quo and see if she can change her normal strategy.

How have the events from your last SILK story impacted Cindy?

EMILY KIM: Cindy has learned to embrace this new stage of life she’s in where she’s happy with her family and accepted who she is as Silk. This freedom will allow her to realize she can do things differently from the way they’ve been.

Preview page from SILK (2022) #1 with art by Takeshi Miyazawa and Ian Herring.
Preview page from SILK (2022) #1 with art by Takeshi Miyazawa and Ian Herring.

What have you discovered to be Silk’s core traits? The stuff that doesn’t change regardless of the setting?

EMILY KIM: Her moral compass and desire to help others is her strongest core trait. But she also has an edge that she can bring out if necessary. We saw it back when she double-crossed Black Cat and we’ll see a bit of it again with a familiar foe that appears in the series.

Speaking of setting, this first issue of SILK places Cindy in a Los Angeles noir situation as a detective, and, by the end, back in the Old West. Any hints as to what’s going on?

EMILY KIM: Just as the readers will be confused to be here, Cindy will also realize this isn’t where she’s supposed to be.

Preview page from SILK (2023) #1 with art by Ig Guara and Ian Herring.
Preview page from SILK (2023) #1 with art by Ig Guara and Ian Herring.

Since we’re going to explore a few different genres in this story, why start with a Los Angeles-set crime drama?

EMILY KIM: I’ve always loved the noir world and thought Cindy would kick ass there. It was wish fulfillment for me as a writer to put her there.

Did you see Cindy as somebody who would naturally settle into the detective role based on her past experiences? Or does she have to work at it?

EMILY KIM: Cindy naturally has the skill set needed to be a detective. She’s sharp, observant, and persistent. In the series, however, she’ll face some other roles that she’s less suited for.

What can you say about the threats facing Silk both fist-to-face as well as behind the scenes?

EMILY KIM: There will be formidable threats for Silk to face both on a physical and psychological front. So, she’ll need help to battle both sides.

Are there any elements carrying over from the previous SILK series that we can look forward to?

EMILY KIM: There are characters from the SILK series prior to mine, from [writer] Maurene Goo’s series, that we are all excited to see return.

What lasting effects will the events of this story have on Cindy that you can tease?

EMILY KIM: Someone who has been by Cindy’s side for a long time will be able to step into a larger role in this series, which may impact the future.

How is it working with a new artist in the form of Ig Guara?

EMILY KIM: Ig is fantastic. He always finds new ways to wow me on the page by perfectly balancing the emotion of the characters with various panel angles.

What kinds of scenes did you feel played to Ig’s strengths?

EMILY KIM: Ig has terrific action sequences. The way he composes a fight always feels fresh and new.

Preview page from SILK (2023) #1 with art by Ig Guara and Ian Herring.
Preview page from SILK (2023) #1 with art by Ig Guara and Ian Herring.

On the flipside, what was nice about having prior collaborators Ian Herring and Ariana Maher back on colors and letters?

EMILY KIM: It was great having Ian and Ariana again. There are worlds in this series that require a very specific color set and lettering pattern to set the tone and mood. I knew they’d hit it out of the park.

What can we expect from this volume of SILK?

EMILY KIM: You can expect lots of sibling fun!

SILK (2023) #1 is available now in print and digital comic shops!

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