Published October 16, 2017

The History of Spider-Man: 1983

Spidey's adventures included Punisher, Black Cat and Cloak & Dagger, as Hobgoblin made his debut!

Image for The History of Spider-Man: 1983

For over 50 years, Spider-Man has been a sensational standout in the Marvel Universe, and this year, the web-slinger swings onto the silver screen once more in “Spider-Man: Homecoming”! In celebration of his memorable history, we present Spidey’s spectacular step-by-step story!

The mysteries surrounding Peter Parker’s friend Deb Whitman ultimately came to a head in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #74, Spidey teamed up with Tigra in MARVEL TEAM-UP #125, and avoided the Hulk in MARVEL TEAM-UP #126. The webslinger’s fellow arachnid the Tarantula perished in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #236, and the Stilt-Man leveled up in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #237.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #237

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #237

  • Published: February 10, 1983
  • Added to Marvel Unlimited: April 30, 2014
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The Black Cat crept back into Spider-Man’s life in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #75 to drag our hero into a shooting match between Doctor Octopus and the Owl. When Ock’s curiosity almost killed the kitty in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #76, Spidey found himself not only in the multi-armed villain’s sights, but also those of the Gladiator’s in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #77. Boomerang and the Punisher became involved in the ongoing drama in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #78, and the vigilante gunned for Doc Ock in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #79.

The all-seeing Watcher guest-starred in MARVEL TEAM-UP #127, and the wallcrawler and Captain America joined forces to rid the city of Vermin and his rats in MARVEL TEAM-UP #128. The Hobgoblin, a new baddie using the Green Goblin’s motifs, attacked Spidey in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #238, and ramped things up in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #239 before flying off to cackle another day.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #238

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #238

  • Published: March 10, 1983
  • Added to Marvel Unlimited: April 29, 2013
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After J. Jonah Jameson tried to prove his reporter’s instincts still rated in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #80, Spider-Man joined with the Vision to antagonize androids in MARVEL TEAM-UP #129, the Scarlet Witch to vanquish Necrodamas in MARVEL TEAM-UP #130, and Frog-Man to chase off the White Rabbit in MARVEL TEAM-UP #131.

The Vulture returned to build a new nest-egg in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #240 and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #241, and the Mad Thinker introduced a new android of his creation in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #242. The wallcrawler got involved with Cloak and Dagger’s hunt for the Punisher in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #81, and tracked him to the Kingpin’s front door in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #82. After his capture by the police, the Punisher faced a judge and jury for his alleged crimes in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #83.

Marvel Team-Up (1972) #132

Marvel Team-Up (1972) #132

  • Published: August 10, 1983
  • Added to Marvel Unlimited: April 28, 2008
What is Marvel Unlimited?

Mr. Fantastic lent his big brain to Spidey in MARVEL TEAM-UP #132, and then the whole blamed Fantastic Four — or so it seemed — hit the scene in MARVEL TEAM-UP #133 to help close down Doctor Faustus illicit practice. Later, the webslinger met up with Jack of Hearts in MARVEL TEAM-UP #134. Mary Jane Watson reentered Peter Parker’s life in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #243 to complicate his already relationship with the Black Cat, the Hobgoblin flew in for a rematch in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #244, our hero though he’d learned the masked villain’s true identity in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #245, and the Watcher revealed divergent paths for Peter and his friends in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #246.

Following Spidey’s near-brush with joining Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in AVENGERS #236 and AVENGERS #237, the Black Cat checked out of the hospital in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #84, and attempted to go straight by helping her Spider catch the Hobgoblin in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #85. The wallcrawler met up with the mutant Kitty Pryde to hunt Morlocks in MARVEL TEAM-UP #135, and with Wonder Man to manhandle the Mauler in MARVEL TEAM-UP #136. And, at the end of the day, Spidey found his only real friend might be Frog-Man in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #247.

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #85

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #85

What is Marvel Unlimited?



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