Published June 11, 2019

Your Biggest Questions About 'House of X' and 'Powers of X' Answered

As the next big X-event approaches, read this FAQ to get ready!

House of X Powers of X FAQ
HOUSE OF X (2019) #1

It's gearing up to be a big summer for the Children of the Atom as the next big X-event -- HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X -- begins in July. Jonathan Hickman's Earth-shattering new chapter in the X-Men legend is beginning soon... and as a faithful X-fan, you may have some questions. Well, to me, my X-fan! Here are some answers to some questions you may have about HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X.

House of X Powers of X FAQ


Jonathan Hickman is introducing the next era of the X-Men, and the starting point for this experience is the HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X series. These stories will be the foundation for all X-Men stories over the next several years and return the X-Men to their rightful, prominent position in the Marvel Universe.

What is HOUSE OF X about?

HOUSE OF X is a story about a pivotal month in the history of the X-Men where everything changes for mutants on Earth. We can’t tell you more because we’ve all sworn oaths of secrecy.

What is POWERS OF X about?

POWERS OF X is a story about the unknown secret history of mutants in the Marvel Universe. That is all we can say because the above blood oath covers this series as well.

Which series is the main book?

They are both the main book. Although the grammar of that sentence may be incorrect, the answer is not. Each series is equally important as you need to read both to get the full story. And as you delve further into each series, you’ll see how they are connected.

House of X preview
HOUSE OF X (2019) #1

Which series should I read?

I guess you skipped the above question. You should read both series. It works as a series of reveals and revelations where each issue of HOUSE OF X that that follows POWERS OF X – and vice versa – makes you reinterpret the issue you had previously read. And then, obviously, at the end they crash together in a way that propels us forward into a new X-Universe.

Is the name of the series pronounced “powers of X” or “powers of ten”?

That is a good question. It is pronounced “powers of ten.” You’ll understand that when you read the series.

What happens after the HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X series?

Glad you asked. We have the benefit of long-term planning and knowing this will be the direction of the X-books for the next several years. At the conclusion of HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X, we’ll be launching an entire new universe of X-books. Some will be traditional fare, some will carry through on ideas presented in HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X, and some books are completely new concepts. Hickman will be writing the ongoing flagship X-book.

Powers of X

Are HOUSE OF X and POWERS OF X any good?


HOUSE OF X #1, written by Jonathan Hickman with art by Pepe Larraz, hits stands on Wednesday, July 24. POWERS OF X #1, written by Hickman with art by R. B. Silva, hits stands on Wednesday, July 31.

Pre-order HOUSE OF X #1 and POWERS OF X #1 at your local comic shop now. Visit for even more X-news.

House of X Powers of X


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