Published May 17, 2024

Unlock Your Free Wolverine X-Men '97 Costume in 'MARVEL Strike Force'

Available for a limited time only!

MARVEL Strike Force Wolverine X-Men '97 Costume

Celebrate the finale of Marvel Animation’s X-Men ‘97, by unlocking your FREE Wolverine costume in MARVEL Strike Force! For a limited time only, players will receive a Wolverine X-Men ‘97 costume simply by logging in seven times during the month of May.

MARVEL Strike Force Wolverine X-Men '97 Promo Code

Don’t have Wolverine yet? New Players can use Promo Code WEAPONX and unlock Wolverine for free!

MARVEL Strike Force Old Man Logan Social Landscape

Stay tuned for amazing new content surrounding our upcoming Legendary character:

  • A Legendary character, Old Man Logan, who is the leader of the new “Mercs for Money” team. Other team members include Deadpool, Pandapool, Daken, and the original “MARVEL Strike Force” character Deathpool.
  • The first Legendary event of 2024 will feature new modified Trials, which will be an interesting combination of old Legendary Events and Trials. You can read more here.


For the latest news on MARVEL Strike Force, follow Marvel Games on FacebookX (formerly Twitter) and Instagram!



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