
Worshipped by the Egyptians, Thoth is the most wise of the Ennead, and acts as their god of the Moon and Wisdom.
fighting skills



Thoth is the Egyptian God of the Moon and Wisdom who, with his wisdom, rules Heliopolis for a time.


Son of Egyptian Gods

Born in Khemennu, near modern-day El Ashmunein, Egypt, Thoth is the son of the primordial Earth Mother Gaea and the Demiurge. Thoth enters the world long after his older brother Atum drove the corrupt Elder Gods from Earth. Hundreds of millions of years ago, Thoth is responsible for overseeing an epic battle between Atum and the destructive Elder God Set—making sure that Set (representing chaos) does not completely overtake Atum (representing order), or vice versa.

As “Ibis,” Thoth opposes Set and the demon Azoth, both directly and indirectly, granting power to talismans, like the Eye of Ibis and Staff of Ibis. Thoth is worshipped in parts of Nemedia, Shem, and Stygia during the Hyborian era, 12,000 years ago, and possibly long before. 

At some point, Thoth grants predecessors of the Knights Templar secrets of wisdom, creation, and death in exchange for their promise to protect the hybrid human/elder race Hellbent. Stygian sorcerer Thoth-Amon and other Set-followers drove Karanthes and other Ibis priests from Stygia, although they eventually relocated to a new Temple of Ibis (the “Nest of the Sacred Ibis”) in Argos. Later, Karanthes uses the Staff of Ibis to dispatch the demon Jaggta-Noga back to his nether realm, and subsequently invokes Ibis to destroy the evil god-sorcerer Zukala’s citadel.


More Powerful Than Other Gods

Thoth is more powerful than most other Ennead. He is virtually immortal and highly durable. In his prime, he can lift 90 tons, and is powerful enough to directly combat beings such as Set, and has unspecified moon-related abilities. Like other Ennead, he is a metamorph, and he usually assumes the form of an ibis, a long-legged bird, or an ibis-headed humanoid. 

He is the eldest and wisest of the gods still associated with the Ennead, and has empowered magical totems such as the Eye and Staff of Ibis. He may have supplied power to the Book of Thoth, though that may have been a black magic tome that used his name in vain. Although avoiding physical confrontation, Thoth is a skilled fighter and wields his powerful Was-Sceptre in combat. 


Demonic Forces and Deity Foes

While Thoth is in his “Ibis” form, he opposes Set and other evil beings, such as the demon Azoth. Other foes that Thoth faces include Stygian sorcerer Thoth-Amon, the demon Jaggta-Noga, and Thoth’s great-grandnephew, the evil god Seth.


Godly Allies

Born from the progenitors of the Ennead, or the Heliopolitan/Egyptian gods, Thoth is naturally allied to his family and descendants including his parents, Gaea and Demiurge, his brother Atum, his nephews Bast, AKA Panther God, Bes, Khonshu, Hathor-Sekhmet, AKA Lion God, Shu, Sobek, AKA Crocodile God, and his niece Tefnut. He is also connected with his grandnephews and grandniece Mahes, Geb, and Nut and their children Osiris, Seth, Isis, Nepthys, and their offspring Anubis and Horus as well as numerous others.

Thoth also joins the Ogdoad, the Hermopolitan gods of Egypt.


Ancient History

When Atum took the primordial sun god Ra’s aspect, Thoth became the primordial moon god. As Ammon Ra, Atum ruled the Ogdoad, the first generation of Egyptian gods, with Thoth serving as arbitrator and grand vizier. The Ogdoad eventually perished, and Ra started anew, siring the first of the Ennead, the next generation of Egyptian gods. Ra eventually relocated to Earth’s sun (succeeded as ruler by Shu), but Thoth remained with the Ennead, passing the role of moon god to Khonshu, and continued to serve the Ennead ruler. When the evil god Seth imprisoned ruler Osiris and his family within a pyramid on Earth from 30 BC until modern times, Thoth took over as ruler. Noting the Ennead’s diminishing influence, Thoth soon relocated the remaining Ennead from Earth to Heliopolis. When the Asgardian Thor Odinson, AKA Thor, God of Thunder, and his allies struggled against Trolls to enter Thoth’s Temple, Thoth angrily dispatched them all back to Asgard. After Osiris and his family were later liberated by the Asgardians, Thoth happily returned the throne to Osiris.


6'4'' (variable)


280 lbs. (variable)




Black (variable)


None; gray feathers (variable)

Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Known Relatives, Powers
  • Universe

  • Other Aliases

  • Education

  • Known Relatives

  • Powers