Published December 6, 2018

6 People Who Have Wielded the Infinity Gauntlet

Thanos isn't the only prominent possessor.

Iron Man Infinity Gauntlet

The Infinity Gauntlet cannot be classified as a mere garment. Sure, take the stones out of the equation you’re left with a snazzy glove that can really tie an outfit together. With the stones, however, the Gauntlet transforms into a conduit of unmatched power, making the wearer the vessel of the full force of the Infinity Gems.

Historically, few have possessed the object, and even less have actually used it successfully. The wielders of the Infinity Gauntlet stand as an elite group with a membership under a baker’s dozen. Let’s examine some of its more prominent possessors…

Iron Man

The Illuminati got in the Infinity mix a few times, but not quite to the level as Iron Man. While Reed Richards tried the sucker on for size, Tony Stark took it for a full-fledged test drive. Stark picked up the slack left in the wake of the Hood’s near victory and became the first human to actually utilize the Infinity Gauntlet.

Doctor Doom

While Doom doesn’t fit neatly into the Infinity Gauntlet mythos, he does own two versions of the famed artifact from alternate dimensions. And yes, while they have no power in Doom’s home reality, it’s still pretty awesome to have a couple Infinity Gauntlets just kicking it on your shelf.


Clearly, the Infinity Gauntlet can’t be mentioned without bringing up the being who courted Death. As a token of affection for his ladylove, Thanos first assembled the Gauntlet—then swiftly wiped out most of existence. Throughout the years, the Mad Titan has lost it, regained it, lost it again, got parts of it, lost those parts—let’s just say it’s been complicated.


Nebula took the Gauntlet from Thanos himself and undid all the nastiness he caused throughout the universe. Without her involvement, the past, present, and future of the Marvel Universe would be drastically different. We imagine less life and more Thanos statues. 

Adam Warlock

Following Nebula’s brief stint, Adam Warlock took the reins and ascended to godhood. He expelled both good and evil leading to the creation of the Magus, his super evil doppelganger. After The Living Tribunal put the kibosh on the whole thing, Warlock’s closest allies—Drax, Gamora, Moondragon, etc.—split up the stones and formed the Infinity Watch.

The Hood

Much like certain types of snack foods—and stones of unimaginable power, apparently—once you get a taste, you can’t really help yourself. Still obsessed with Loki’s Norn Stones, The Hood, a criminal of the highest caliber, did the only logical thing: he broke into all sorts of ridiculous places and swiped the Infinity Stones from their super powered keepers.




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