Published March 27, 2024

'Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War' Descends on Marvel Unlimited

In a special accelerated release, the entirety of the 'Amazing Spider-Man: Gang War' event is now available to read on Marvel Unlimited.

In February, Marvel Unlimited lit the fire of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: GANG WAR by accelerating the release of the event's first half. Now, the entire event is available in full—months ahead of schedule!

When the gangs of New York City go to war, no one is safe from the chaos that ensues—and Spider-Man knows that to beat them, he must join them!

In AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: GANG WAR, Peter Parker calls in his fellow Spider-Man Miles MoralesShe-HulkDaredevilSpider-Woman, and Luke Cage to help put an end to the gang war ravaging the streets of their beloved city. This gargantuan task puts them up against the likes of Madame MasqueHammerheadBlack MariahMr. Negative, and so many more villains, all of whom would be more than happy to knock out a couple of annoying super heroes while they're eliminating their rivals.

As of this week, the entire AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: GANG WAR event has swung onto Marvel Unlimited! Beginning with THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2022) #37, Marvel Unlimited subscribers can enjoy all 29 issues in this Spidey saga a few months early.

Additionally, Marvel Insiders have the chance to earn 1,500 points by reading AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2022) #37-44 as well as AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: GANG WAR FIRST STRIKE (2023) #1 by April 7. Participants must be a Marvel Unlimited subscriber and complete reading each issue in the latest Marvel Unlimited app to receive points. The points will be awarded by April 8.

The following issues of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: GANG WAR are now available on Marvel Unlimited:

Want to read the full GANG WAR crossover? Join Marvel Unlimited to read all issues mentioned above, plus gain access to 30,000+ digital comics spanning all of Marvel Comics history.



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