Ed Brisson Guarantees "Absolute Chaos" Ahead in UNCANNY X-MEN
"This book will keep you guessing at every turn."

Writer Ed Brisson is not new to the X-world, having worked on both EXTERMINATION and OLD MAN LOGAN. This time around, Brisson is joining forces with Matthew Rosenberg and Kelly Thompson to tell a massive new story for Marvel's merry mutants.
Marvel.com asked Brisson about working with Rosenberg and Thompson and what kind of work went on behind the scenes. Planning began last spring when the three writers "spent two days locked in a room together figuring out the story." He says, "It was pretty intense, but we came up with some great stuff. It was tough, but in the end, it really helped map out the story that we wanted to tell."
One advantage to working as a trio was the already close relationship they all shared. "I think we can sometimes forgo having to worry about being nice (not that we're mean) and can be honest with one another when we don't like a direction one of us is headed," Brisson explains. "That said, it's been an overwhelmingly positive experience. I would have thought with three writers, there'd be a lot more head clashing, but nothing could be further from the case."
The art for UNCANNY X-MEN will be provided by Mahmud Asrar, R.B. Silva, Yildiray Cinar, and Pere Perez. Brisson says he's been a fan of their work: "Mahmud's run on X-MEN RED has been pretty spectacular and I've really dug R.B. Silva's work on X-MEN BLUE. Yildiray Cinar is an artist that I've long admired and am happy to finally get a chance to work. Pere Perez's work on ROGUE AND GAMBIT has been stellar as well."
That said, Brisson also knows he's putting these artists up to a great challenge. "I love all these artist and so I feel incredibly guilty for what we're putting them through. There are some pages we've written that I look at and think, 'Wow, this is going to be amazing, but... oh man, this is gonna be hell to draw!' So, Mahmud, R.B., Yildiray, Pere, if you're reading this. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
Cover art for UNCANNY X-MEN will be provided by Leinil Frances Yu and Edgar Delgado.

Brisson also highlights that despite working with the X-Men as a team before on EXTERMINATION, UNCANNY X-MEN features more characters. "It's been incredibly interesting to juggle that. I have charts next to my computer tracking which character is where and what they're doing at all times."
But don't think that means he'll be going easy on anyone. "Anyone who's read any of my work knows that I love to put characters through the wringer, and UNCANNY X-MEN will not be an exception. We're pushing some of these characters in ways that they've never been pushed before. Characters who maybe haven't had the spotlight in the past are going to have to step up and prove that they deserve to be on this team. We've given some of the younger X-Men, including my personal favorite, Glob, a chance to really shine, which I'm thrilled about."
The writer closes with a few ominous words: "Because this is an X-Men book, there's going to be lots of internal drama, which I think is going to cause this team to go off in some very interesting directions." That includes the issues down the road, which Brisson says will feature "Choas. Absolute chaos." He continues, "This book will keep you guessing at every turn. There are going to be some pretty big players you haven't seen in a while doing some downright crazy stuff.
"I think that there's at least two 'holy crap' moments in every issue. Readers are in for a hell of a ride."
Read UNCANNY X-MEN #1 on November 14! Until then, stay tuned to Marvel.com for all the latest X-Men news!
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