Published November 22, 2017

The History of Spider-Man: 1988

Spidey hits an Amazing milestone, as Venom makes his big debut.

Image for The History of Spider-Man: 1988

For over 50 years, Spider-Man has been a sensational standout in the Marvel Universe, and this year, the web-slinger swings onto the silver screen once more in “Spider-Man: Homecoming”! In celebration of his memorable history, we present Spidey’s spectacular step-by-step story!

A deeply disturbed Dr. Octopus, overcome with a psychosis about Spider-Man, wreaked havoc in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #296 until the wallcrawler allowed Ock to beat him in battle in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #297. Spidey’s rematch with the Sin-Eater in PETER PARKER, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #134, along with a shocking surprise from Electro in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #135, led to the Sin-Eater’s death at the hand of the police in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #136.

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #134

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #134

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The all-seeing Watcher bet on the webslinger’s role in a football game in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #34, Peter Parker took a gig as a substitute teacher in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #35, and a student accidentally transformed into Phreak in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #36. Later, the so-called Life Foundation sent Chance to kill our hero in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #298, but their subsequent team-up in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #299 brought down the Foundation.

The webslinger’s discarded alien costume merged with an angry Eddie Brock and debuted as Venom in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #300, prompting Mary Jane to convince Peter to return full-time to his old red-and-blue fighting togs. A new Tarantula hit the scene in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #137 and a replacement Captain America sided with the crook against Spidey in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #138. Our hero helped Dakota North on a case in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #37, while the Hobgoblin returned in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #38, as did the Looter in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #39.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #300

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #300

  • Published: May 10, 1988
  • Added to Marvel Unlimited: May 26, 2008
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The wallcrawler took on a neo-Nazi with Silver Sable in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #301, considered a job offer in Kansas in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #302, and ultimately decided to head back to school for a degree in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #303. Robbie Robertson confronted the murderous Tombstone in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #139, but Spidey took over when Robbie landed in the hospital from the criminal’s tender mercies in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #140.

The Punisher took up the fight against Tombstone in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #141, while Spidey agonized over the fact of Robbie’s withholding of evidence from the police in his past. Ultimately, the webslinger brought Tombstone to justice in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #142, but Robbie needed to face his own crime, too.

Peter’s old friend Betty Leeds joined a cult called the Students of Love in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #40 and Spidey tried to rescue her in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #41, but it came down to Flash Thompson to make the real effort to save her in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #42, and work with the webslinger to deprogram Betty in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #43.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #305

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #305

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Heading to California to promote his new book of Spider-Man photos in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #304, Peter donned the webs to once more take on the Black Fox there, then learned of the Prowler’s participation in the program in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #305. The Persuader gained control of the Punisher in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #143 to kill the Lobo Brothers, and later Spidey fought Boomerang in San Diego in SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #144 and SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #145.

Our hero puzzled over a new case with the Humbug and the Chameleon in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #306 and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #307, then rushed to Las Vegas for a booksigning in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #44, as well as a rendezvous with the Vulture out in the desert in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #45.

Web of Spider-Man (1985) #45

Web of Spider-Man (1985) #45

Someone kidnapped Mary Jane in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #308, forcing Spidey onto a dark path to find her. That path led him into a confrontation with Styx and Stone in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #309 and a surprising save by an escaped Mary Jane herself. The tussle with Killer Shrike and the Tinkerer on the ESU campus in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #310 seemed almost tame in comparison to that adventure.



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