Published August 11, 2021

Play for the Gamora Cup in Fortnite

The deadliest woman in the galaxy is here...Gamora arrives in Fortnite!

Play for the Gamora Cup in Fortnite

Sending an SOS out into the galaxy means you're REALLY in trouble... but we're in luck, because Gamora is on her way to protect the island!

Only the fiercest woman in the galaxy has any chance of cleaning up this mess! Abductions have continued, and all efforts of staving off the invasion have proven futile. As the last remaining Zen-Whoberian, Gamora knows full well the devastating effects of planetary invasions. The former Guardians of the Galaxy member joins the fight to preserve and protect the Fortnite Island from the trespassers.

You don't want to be empty-handed for this battle though! Gamora will pair up with Star-Lord in the Item Shop on August 14 at 8pm ET. Grab the entire bundle including Gamora’s Cloak Back Bling, Godslayer Pickaxe, and the Godslayer Glideboard!

Can't wait to get your hands on these rare items? You can earn the Gamora Outfit early by competing in the Gamora Cup tournament! Today on August 11th you’ll have the opportunity to earn the Gamora Outfit and Gamora Cloak Back Bling! 

To compete, you and your Duo partner will have 3 hours to earn as many points as you can in 10 games. The top performing teams in each region will receive the Gamora Outfit and Gamora Cloak Back Bling. Anyone who earns at least 8 points will earn the Daughter of Thanos Spray.

As always, players must have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on their Epic account and be at account level 30 or above. You can check your account level information on the Career tab in-game. Please read the Gamora Cup Official Rules for all the details and check the Compete tab in-game for when your region’s Cup starts.

Gamora Arrives in Fortnite

Celebrating the arrival of Gamora in Fortnite and play in the tournament today!


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