Published February 24, 2021

'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Premieres in December 2021

No more confusion about this title!

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Due to some confusion between the three Spider-Man stars and their uncoordinated attempt at a title reveal, we now have an actual answer to, “what’s the new Spider-Man movie called?” And it’s Spider-Man: No Way Home. 

Not “Spider-Man: Phone Home,” not “Spider-Man: Home-Wrecker,” and certainly not “Spider-Man: Home Slice” — even though they all sound very fun, they are all very incorrect. In the video below, you can see where this kerfuffle all started between Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon, leading to a talk with returning Spider-Man director Jon Watts. Holland, befuddled as to why, once again, he doesn’t have the correct info, asks why people keep feeding him misinformation! 

“Name me one thing I’ve actually spoiled!” He asks his co-stars. “The last movie title?” Zendaya deadpans. 

Oh well.  Even with the wrong title, the trio of Holland, Zendaya and Batalon all shared real new images from the upcoming movie, which opens in theaters December 2021. Check out their social posts below:

Spider-Man: No Way Home Arrives in theaters on December 17, 2021.



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