Published October 30, 2023


Hear from the authors of the new book filled with the MCU's secrets on This Week in Marvel

On the latest episode of This Week In Marvel, the podcast was excited to welcome the fantastic trio of writers behind Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline, Anthony Breznican, Amy Ratcliffe, and Rebecca Theodore-Vachon to discuss the herculean effort of putting together the official, definitive book of the MCU TImeline.

You can listen to the interview above, or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

In the conversation Anthony Breznican pulls back the curtain on how this project came to be and how they approached the timeline, "I got a call one day from D.K. Publishing, and they said, "We're putting together a team." (laughs) We're putting together a group of writers to tackle the timeline of the MCU...it was a real pleasure to put this book together, to look at the movies, any of the background material that Marvel Studios could provide us. Our job was to find what in the movies is hard and fast. Like, where is there a date on a newspaper, on an email, on a television screen? When does somebody mention a date? Mention a holiday, mentioned this or that? Anything that where you could orient yourself in the chronology and and then use those to sort of place the other events."

Of course, while putting the book together all three writers had to watch the source material as Amy Ratcliffe explains, "What a joy it was to go back and rewatch things. And also what a curse in some ways, because she'd be like, Oh, I just need to rewatch these few scenes about the Battle of New York and I'm just going to take notes. And then next thing I know, I have watched all of the Avengers, and that happened repeatedly. How many times did you all rewatch these movies? Oh, it's a lot. (laughs)"

The book itself not only can be a resource for current MCU fans but a helpful guide for new fans as Rebecca Theodore-Vachon points out, "I think just revisiting all of these characters and stories on one level, I think the book is is great for people. I talked to a lot of people who have an interest in Marvel, but then they're just like, "Oh my God, all these movies. These are interconnected. Like, you know, I've never watched. I didn't watch Iron Man one or two. Do I need to watch Captain America: First Avenger in order?" So I think with this book, it's it's really a way to introduce people who may have an interest in the MCU, but may feel a little intimidated.. This is a great guide. I told someone that besides being a great Christmas gift for people who are MCU fans, if you're someone who's new to the MCU, you can literally watch all these movies with the book. It's kind of like a companion piece, which I think is great."

You can listen to the full interview on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe An Official Timeline is now available wherever books are sold!

Want to dive into the timeline now? Discover the Marvel Studios in Timeline Order on Disney+Stay tuned to Marvel.com for more details and sign up for Disney+ and start streaming now! And be sure to follow Disney+ on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for more.


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