Published January 19, 2017

Entering Marvel Contest of Champions: Cable

The time-traveling mutant warrior makes his way to Battlerealm!

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The son of Scott Summers and Jean Grey, Nathan Summers, better known as the time-hopping mutant Cable, was predestined for genetic greatness, making him a perfect combatant for “Marvel Contest of Champions.”

We talked to Kabam Art Director Gabriel Frizzera and Champion Designer Simon Cameron about Nathan’s powers and his and Gwenpool’s Event Quest. Cable’s brought his gun to a…well you know what he’ll probably fit right in on Battlerealm. What’s Nathan doing fighting with The Collector?

Gabriel Frizzera: Nathan Summers is a premium collectable item for Taneleer Tivan. He has the gun, the Techno-Virus metal arm, the oversized shoulder pads, the pouches… ah, and the time travelling. There are mysteries in the past and future Battlerealm that The Collector doesn’t want to be revealed, so he better keep time-travelers like Cable under check. I have to admit, I’m a little underwhelmed by Cable’s pouch game. Was the team worried about heavy load times? Heh.

Gabriel Frizzera: You have no idea…we put hidden pouches all over his costume! Under his shoulder pads, inside his boots—even his gun has some metal pouches. And there are pouches inside his pouches. Some of the pouches are made to store pouches is what I’m saying. Just in case he runs out of pouches in a pouch fight. What can you tell us about his kit? Does he have any similarities to either of his parents, or is he his own mutant?

Simon Cameron: He’s definitely his own mutant! Cable is an excellent all-rounded fighter. His Regeneration will help keep him in the fight through a full quest, he can Power Gain once his Signature Ability has been unlocked, allowing for more Special Attacks, as well as more chances to trigger his Regeneration.

He also has good utility on his second Special Attack with both Concussion and Incinerate, and acts as an excellent counter to Bleed-centric heroes, as they’ll keep his Degeneration active on themselves for him. Getting into his kit, what the heck is Techno Organic Virus Suppression?

Simon Cameron: When Cable was infected with the Techno Organic Virus it nearly killed him, until he learned to use his powers to keep it in check. So to keep himself alive he is forced to continuously exert a portion of his powers against it. As he begins to successfully suppress the virus it takes less effort to hold it at bay. In game terms this means each time he gains a bar of Power, he has a chance to immediately trigger a Power Gain Buff on himself. It seems like a lot of his abilities work to offset the hindrance of the Techno Organic Virus. And what exactly is True Strike?

Simon Cameron: The Techno Organic Virus is a big part of who Cable is—pun intended—so we definitely wanted to make sure it featured in his ability set too. True Strike is a powerful Buff. While under its effect, a Champion ignores their Opponent’s Armor, Resistances—both Physical and Energy—and Evade chance. Ok so real quick, let’s talk about the Cable/Gwenpool Event Quest? What’s going on there?

Gabriel Frizzera: Gwenpool is sent by Cable—or so she believes—back in time to warn Captain America and his Avengers Unity Team of a looming threat. Obviously she makes a mess of the timelines, causing more trouble than helping…but in the process they stumble into a secret about The Contest; another piece of the puzzle to maybe help the Champions find a way home. It’s a bit of an homage to classic time travel movies, and a good fit to both Gwen and Nathan’s characters. When can we pick up Cable for ourselves?

Simon Cameron: Cable is chrono-skimming into the contest on January 19!

Check out the Gwenpool: Agent of C.A.B.L.E. Motion Comic here!

Stay tuned to for more “Marvel Contest of Champions” news and interviews!



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