Published April 5, 2019

Declare Your Loyalty to the Ten Realms with These War of the Realms T-Shirts

You can find all three of these epic tees on Amazon to herald the beginning of Marvel's latest comic event!

The War of the Realms, Marvel's latest interdimensional comic event, officially began this week with the release of WAR OF THE REALMS #1 by writer Jason Aaron and artists Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson. Once you've gotten your battle-blistered hands on your copy of the comic and given the official soundtrack theme by Jimmy Urine a listen, the best way to show your Pride of the Realms is with one of these t-shirts, available on Amazon!

The three t-shirts available come in men's, women's, and youth sizes and ship for free! Order yours today, whether you want to represent Niffleheim, Muspelheim, or all Ten Realms!

Here are all three shirts with links to their pages on Amazon:

War of the Realms Niffleheim tee
Muspelheim War of the Realmstee
War of the Realms tee

Marvel War of the Realms Comic Cover Logo Premium T-Shirt

The War of the Realms has only just begun! There's plenty of time to collect all three t-shirts while catching up on the books that led up to this cosmic conflict. Get your copy of WAR OF THE REALMS #1 today, online or at your local comic shop!

For everything you need to know about the War of the Realms, visit!



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