Published September 17, 2020

Didja Know... Juggernaut's Most Jarring Jabs

Didja Know digs into the fun facts, strange stories, and divine details that helped build the hallowed halls of the House of Ideas!

"Nothing can stop the Juggernaut!" 

Sure, you’ve seen that scintillating sally on pulse-pounding pages—and covers!—for over 50 years now, but for the first time ever anywhere, the man-mountain masher’s about to truly be unstoppable! JUGGERNAUT #1 represents the frantic first time ol’ Juggy has received his own ongoing series and frankly, fans, we're on the fringe of fainting from the sheer excitement we’re feeling!

Juggernaut #1

Cain Marko’s not just a punching bag for the X-Men, nossir! In fact, in his earlier eras he smashed out of their series on more than one occasion to make his mark! And here’s where we tell ya all about it, Effendi!

Didja Know… Juggernaut once fought the entire universe?

In his first extra-X-outing, Cain stumbled upon a strange sight and into a situation even he couldn’t have predicted! See, sent back into the aching arms of the Crimson Cosmos back in UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #46—following a fight with the merry mutants, natch—he thought he was stuck in the devilish other dimension forever until along came a sorcerer…

Doc Strange was tusslin’ with a nutjob named Nightmare and, well, not doin’ so well—when along came a Juggernaut just minding his own business! One thing led to another and Cain threw down with Nightmare to gain access to Strange, who he thought could get him back to Earth. When the two ne’er-do-wells then caught wind of the Doc’s desperate escape along with Eternity, who just happens to be the manifestation of the entire universe, the bad guys bundled their badness and teamed up.

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #46

Uncanny X-Men (1963) #46

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Can you imagine the scene? Nightmare and Juggernaut versus Eternity with Doctor Strange slippin’ around the sidelines? It didn’t last long, though, ‘cause Eternity waved his lil ol’ hand and sent Strange slip-slidin’ back to Earth and that was that…with Cain Marko still stuck in la-la-land! But not for long! It’s comic books, right?

Didja Know… Juggernaut and the Hulk became buddies back in the day?

After escaping the other dimension, battling the Beast, and getting trapped again, Marko probably figured he was lost forever…but! A dude called Doc Carbeau back on Terra Firma tried to send the Hulk away to the other place with a device in INCREDIBLE HULK (1962) #172 and provided the set-up for one of the most titanic team-ups ever!

This device, see, went all wonky and fried its circuits after playing musical chairs with ol’ Jade Jaws and the Juggernaut, leading to the two incredible bulks to bluster over the breakdown, but then realized that, together, they might be mightier than anything else... And the U.S. Army certainly did not enjoy it when the dastardly duo broke out of the prison the Hulk had been placed in and ran off for a hot time in the old town!

Incredible Hulk (1962) #172

Incredible Hulk (1962) #172

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You most likely saw this coming, but Juggy’s nasty nature asserted itself and he decided to terrorize a team of tourists, and the Hulk’s kindly concern won out and he gave Cain five good reasons why he should knock it off—Pow! In the end, the X-Men themselves put in an appearance to wrap the whole thing up in a big, bright bow and, incredibly enough, it didn’t involve sending the Juggernaut back to another dimension! Go figure!

Didja Know… Juggernaut was actually stopped by Spider-Man?

Alas, dear allies, there comes a day when all allusions and illusions are shattered and cold, dreary reality must assert itself. That day arrived in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #230 and with the freaky form of one of the most unlikely means of stopping the Juggernaut to date. Read on, Ralph!

It all actually began in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #229 when Juggy and his pal Black Tom came up with a wild wonder of an idea—kidnap the soothsayer Madame Web to use her as a kind of early-warning system to predict the positions of the X-Men. Seemed like a solid scam, but they didn’t scan for Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #229

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #229

What is Marvel Unlimited?

Spidey swung in to defend Web from the prickly plot, but as we all well know by now, the Juggernaut’s not an easy dude to slow down, let alone stop. In fact, he’s supposed to be unstoppable, right? But the wondrous Web-Slinger’s no slouch in the determination department and when Cain almost killed Madame Web in the kidnap attempt, May Parker’s nephew knew he had to do the impossible.

So, take one young man with the proportional strength of a spider and a noggin full of smarts, and mix in a bag or ten of quick-set concrete and you have yourselves a recipe for a happy ending to the story. Look it up, Louie, ‘cause us just tellin’ ya about it just doesn’t do it any kind of justice! It’s one-of-a-kind crazy, the sort you see only in the mighty Marvel Universe!

Peruse these eye-poppin' publications with Marvel Unlimited right now!



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