Published December 5, 2020

December Updates to Play At Home with Marvel Games

marvel games

The beginning of December can only mean one thing: More Marvel Games updates! Between Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales to Marvel’s AvengersMARVEL Puzzle Quest to MARVEL Strike Force, and MARVEL Future Fight to MARVEL Contest of Champions, there’s an update for every game, and everyone. Dive into what's happening now below. 


Peter Porker picked a profession of punishing punks. How so, you ask? Well, Peter was once an everyday spider who (in a horrible accident involving a scientist and an atomic hair dryer) was bit by a radioactive pig! Watch Marvel Contest of Champions' latest Motion comic featuring the legendary John Mulaney!

Spider-Ham swings into the Contest on December 10th, and you can read more about his adventures in a FREE digital comic of Spider-Ham #1. All you have to do is download Marvel Contest of Champions before December 31st to claim your free gift!

Download Marvel Contest of Champions Now!

This week's episode of Summoner Showdown features 3 of our top players from Asia and Oceania. Watch the masters of Marvel Contest of Champions duke it out in an exciting new tournament format!


dark avengers

Join Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers in MARVEL Future Fight’s latest update! Play as new characters Scorpion, Sentry, Ares, Moonstone, Molecule Man, and Daken as well as collect new uniforms for Norman Osborn and Bullseye! Also embark on an epic adventure on the new villain-focused Epic Quest!



Scorpion stings his way into MARVEL Puzzle Quest! Read more about this acid-spraying villain’s playstyle here.



Cut through the odds with Longshot and Shatterstar!

Longshot is a genetically engineered slave from the extradimensional planet Mojoworld. He was engineered with superhuman reflexes, agility, accuracy, and healing ability, along with the ability to psionically affect probability fields, giving him the appearance of "good luck." 

Similar to Longshot, Shatterstar is also a genetically engineered slave from the Mojoworld. He was engineered with enhanced strength, speed, and stamina, as well as the ability to convert sonic frequencies into a vibratory shockwave channeled through weapons.

Shatterstar and Longshot are both members of the newly formed X-Factor faction and share many similarities that make them a crushing force when paired together. Longshot grants bonus Crit chance, while Shatterstar grants bonus Crit Damage. They each have a Passive ability mechanic based on their Crit chance as well; on self or ally Crit, Longshot increases Speed Bar for himself and X-Factor allies, and Shatterstar Barriers himself and X-Factor allies. The duo also lend Bonus attacks on each other's Basic abilities when they're allies.


The Nexus War came to an epic conclusion as the Avengers — and the friends they've made along the way on the Island — battled against Galactus. 

Stay tuned to for Marvel Games news and interviews and follow Marvel Games on Twitter for more!



'Marvel's Spider-Man 2' Now Available on PC

Nixxes share details on 'Marvel's Spider-Man 2' PC features and ray-tracing options!


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What were the stand-out moments this year? Take a look back at Marvel Games in 2024 with our year-end review!


'MARVEL Strike Force' Reveals Kahhori and 'What If...?' Winterland

Can you earn a prize from The Watcher? Participate in the special event now!


'MARVEL Puzzle Quest' Announces New Character Poll for 2025

Cast your votes before December 20th! Vote now and see your favorite characters join MARVEL Puzzle Quest as 4-Star Characters!