Published December 23, 2021

This Week’s Infinity Comics

Deadpool and Juggernaut track down Arnim Zola! Spider-Man versus the Sleep-Stealer! And Hawkeye heads to Madripoor!

Have you tried Marvel Unlimited yet? It’s your all-access pass to over 29,000 Marvel comics, available at your fingertips. Download our new, supercharged app on the App Store or Google Play today and enjoy a first year for $55!

New on the Marvel Unlimited app: Hawkeyes Clint Barton and Kate Bishop get pulled into a plot of intrigue by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Madame MasqueSpider-Man protects Aunt May from the sinister Sleep-Stealer, Juggernaut reunites with old friends from Krakoa, and Spider-Bot shows his hand during a Robot Poker Night!

This week’s exclusive, vertical Infinity Comics can be read on Marvel Unlimited now. Get a sneak peek at this week’s new Infinity Comics below!

This Week's Infinity Comics


Read new chapters of this X-Men anthology series weekly!

The “Paradise Lost” arc from  Fabian Nicieza and Matt Horak continues! After a quick pitstop at a Krakoan portal, Juggernaut and his crew of “Unstoppables” pull Deadpool into a fresh plot that involves Nazi scientist Arnim Zola! Deadpool’s face may still resemble a pancake after last issue’s beatdown, but leave it to the Merc with a Mouth to still let Zola know how he feels. Plus, Juggernaut goes ballistic!

Arnim Zola disapproves of Deadpool.


Spider-Man is used to facing bad guys he can punch, but then a new villain gets in Spidey’s head and starts to squeeze... Who is the Sleep-Stealer and why is their song haunting Peter Parker’s waking dreams and nightmares? In issue #5 of this terrifying saga from Saladin Ahmed and Juan Ferreyra, Spider-Man gets closer to the truth when he enters a dream realm after Aunt May is possessed by the Sleep-Stealer. But this rescue mission is like none other—Peter must face his faceless foe while de-aged as a kid!

Peter Parker faces the Sleep-Stealer in a dream realm.


Try this modern Marvel classic in vertical format!

The Infinity Comics edition of HAWKEYE (2012) from Matt FractionDavid Aja, Javier Pulido, and Matt Hollingsworth. S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits Hawkeye: Clint Barton to intercept incriminating evidence before he becomes the most wanted man in the world. The situation quickly becomes a thriller that spans the globe (including Madripoor), and the darkest parts of Hawkeye. Someone has a deadly secret that will change the course of Hawkeye's relationship with the Avengers...

Hawkeye is pulled in by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Captain America.


“Always Bet on Bot!” In this week’s issue from Jordan BlumAlberto Alburquerque, and Dono Sanchez-Almara, Spider-Bot goes all-in during a Robot Poker Night featuring Marvel’s many mechanoids and machines! But this A.I. night takes an unexpected turn when a slew of Super Villains interrupt their hands!

Spider-Bot plays a hand in Robot Poker Night!
Spider-Bot plays a hand in Robot Poker Night!

Want to read all of this week’s Infinity additions? Dive into the entire lineup on the Marvel Unlimited app! Download for iOS or Android devices now.

Follow Marvel Unlimited on Twitter and Facebook to stay tuned in to weekly announcements, articles, and more, all at @MarvelUnlimited. Follow us today to join the conversation with thousands of fellow fans, and let us know what you’re reading!



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