100 Years and Still Inspiring Us All

From Stanley Lieber to True Believer, celebrating 100 years of Stan Lee!

Celebrating Stan Lee


Stan Lee's Wildest Works

In celebration of Stan Lee's 100th birthday, check out some of his wildest works, including Trull the Unhuman, Stilt-Man, the Knights of Wundagore, and more!

TV Shows

"Stan Lee" Documentary Coming to Disney+ in 2023

Celebrating 100 years of Stan Lee's legacy with the upcoming documentary

Culture & Lifestyle

Celebrate Stan Lee's 100th Birthday

And still inspiring us all!

Culture & Lifestyle

Stan Lee's Quotable Quips

From “Excelsior!” to “'Nuff Said!”, here are a handful of the lofty legend’s captivating catchphrases!


Stan Lee’s Cameos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

"Are you Tony Stank?"


Stan Lee's Famous Firsts

Celebrate the creator's visionary legacy with some of his major milestones!

Culture & Lifestyle

Stan's Soapbox

Classic quotes and kernels of wisdom from the editorial column of Stan Lee himself!


Stan Lee's Best Collaborations

In celebration of Stan Lee's 100th birthday, check out some of his greatest collaborations with artists like Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, John Romita, Moebius, and so many more!


Stan Lee's Cameos in Comics

“Is that you, Stan?”


Stan’s Silver Age Hits

Dig into a month of Stan Lee spotlights as we celebrate the creator’s 100th birthday! Let’s start at the beginning...

Culture & Lifestyle

The Day Stan Lee Came to the Marvel Office

See exclusive photos and video from February 3, 2014, when Stan Lee stopped by the Marvel offices in New York!